Nick Jonas vai ao Sardi's Restaurant!

Nick Jonas chega no Sardi's Restaurant, em Nova York na tarde de quarta-feira(7).

O ator de 18 anos de idade e entertainer acaba de anunciar seu retorno àBroadway no papel principal como J. Pierrepont Finch em Como ter sucesso nos negócios sem realmente tentar

Nick terá sucesso tanto Daniel Radcliffe e Darren Criss no final de Janeiro de 2012.

Síntese musical Oficial: Com a ajuda de um fiel livro de auto-ajuda "How toSucceed in Business" janela wily arruela J. Pierrepont Finch goza de um aumento desenfreado até a escada corporativaWill práticas pouco ortodoxasFinch de negócios da Companhia Wicket World-Wide levá-lo em água quentecom a cabeça honcho JB Biggleye comprometer seu romance com a secretáriaRosemary Pilkington?]

Tradução e Adaptação: Famous Teen


Nick Jonas arrives at Sardi’s Restaurant in New York City on Wednesday afternoon (September 7).

The 18-year-old actor and entertainer just announced his return to Broadway in the lead role as J. Pierrepont Finch in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying

Nick will succeed both Daniel Radcliffe and Darren Criss in late January 2012.

Official musical summary: With the aid of a trusty self-help book “How to Succeed in Business” wily window washer J. Pierrepont Finch enjoys a riotous rise up the corporate ladder. Will Finch’s unorthodox business practices at the World-Wide Wicket Company get him in hot water with the head honcho J.B. Biggley, and jeopardize his romance with secretary Rosemary Pilkington?

Adaptation: Famous Teen

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