Demi Lovato: Skyscraper vende mais de 500 mil cópias!
Demi Lovato ganha um certificado de ouro por ter vendido legalmente somente nos EUA mais de 500 mil cópias do seu single, Skyscraper.
A música fala sobre como Demi superou seus problemas e conseguiu se reerguer novamente.
Demi ao longo de sua vida tem enfrentado vários problemas emocionais como, distúrbios alimentares, bipolaridade, auto-mutilação, mas no final ano passado a cantora resolveu se tratar. Entrou em uma clínica de tratamento e saiu só no começo desse ano.
Dia 12 de julho Demi lançou Skyscraper, que em menos de 24 horas ficou em #1 lugar no iTunes. Desde então Skyscraper vem rendendo muito sucesso.
Parabéns Demi Lovato.
Demi Lovato gets a certified gold for selling in the U.S. alone more than 500,000 copies of her single, Skyscraper.
The song talks about Demi overcame their problems and managed to rebuild itself again.
Demi throughout his life has faced several problems such as emotional, eating disorders, bipolar, self-mutilation, but in the end last year, the singer decided totreat. Entered a treatment clinic and left only earlier this year.
July 12 Demi Skyscraper launched, which in less than 24 hours was ranked #1 spot on iTunes. Since then Skyscraper is yielding much success.
The song talks about Demi overcame their problems and managed to rebuild itself again.
Demi throughout his life has faced several problems such as emotional, eating disorders, bipolar, self-mutilation, but in the end last year, the singer decided totreat. Entered a treatment clinic and left only earlier this year.
July 12 Demi Skyscraper launched, which in less than 24 hours was ranked #1 spot on iTunes. Since then Skyscraper is yielding much success.
Click here here to view the video clip Skyscraper!
Congrats Demi!
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