Joe Jonas diz que fez curso de Babysitter!
Joe Jonas sai de Katsuya com sua equipe depois de jantar em Hollywood na segunda-feira à noite (08 de agosto).
Joe compartilhou durante sua entrevista com o amigo George Lopez, "Eu e meu irmão mais velho [Kevin] conhecemos um casal de garotas bonitas e elas nos convenceram a ir para a escola babysitting ... eu sou um certificado NewJersey Babysitter... Você aprende onde colocar a arma na casa e é uma das perguntas que eu tenho errado. "
Fonte: Just Jared Jr.
Tradução e Adaptação: Famous Teen
Joe Jonas heads out of Katsuya with his team after dining in Hollywood on Monday night (August 8).
The 21-year-old musician had quite a busy night!
First, Joe headed over to tape an interview and perform on Lopez Tonight before heading over to the 30 Minutes or Less premiere.
Joe shared during his interview with pal George Lopez, “Me and my older brother [Kevin] met a couple of cute girls and they convinced us to go to babysitting school…I am a certified New Jersey Babysitter…You learn where to put the gun in the house and it’s one of the questions I got wrong.”
“You get a multiple choice questions at the end of the course,” Joe continued. “And ‘put it in the safe and lock’ was right next to ‘put it on the counter.’ Course, I wrote the wrong one and failed the babysitting class.”
By: Just Jared r.
Tradução e Adaptação: Famous Teen
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