Mal humorado: Justin Bieber chega no Brasil!
Justin Bieber desembarcou na noite desta segunda-feira, 3, no aeroporto internacional do Rio de Janeiro. O cantor veio em um voo fretado, diferente do de sua namorada, Selena Gomez.
Ao deixar o México, onde se apresentou no último fim de semana, Bieber escreveu no Twitter que estava vindo para o Brasil: "México, obrigado. Te amo. Próxima parada, Brasil! Vai ser um longo voo. Vou descansar um pouco. Vejo vocês no Brasil".
De acordo com o chefe de operações da polícia federal, Marcos Teixeira, Selena chegou meia hora antes do cantor e estava sem visto para entrar no país, mas conseguiu o que se chama de desembarque condicional, concedido pela polícia federal de Brasília, com prazo de até oito dias, tudo dentro da lei.
Teixeira informou também que toda a equipe do cantor se submeteu aos trâmites normais e que todos estavam com documentação em ordem.
Mas parece que o desembarque foi desconfortável para Bieber. Segundo um funcionário do aeroporto que pediu para não ser identificado, o cantor não gostou de ter que passar pela imigração. Ele fez cara feia e cobriu o rosto depois que passou pela cabine da Polícia Federal - procedimento padrão para qualquer um que desembarca vindo do exterior. Segundo o EGO apurou, Justin recebeu vaias pela atitude pouco simpática com as fãs que o aguardavam no local.
Fonte: EGO
Tradução e Adaptação: Famous Teen
Justin Bieber landed late on Monday, the third in the International Airport of Rio de Janeiro. The singer came on a charter flight, other than his girlfriend, SelenaGomez.
When leaving Mexico, where he played last weekend, Bieber wrote on Twitter thatwas coming to Brazil: "Mexico, thank you. I love you. Next stop Brazil! It will be along flight. I'll rest a little. I see you in Brazil. "
According to the chief operating officer of the federal police, Mark Teixeira, Selena arrived half an hour before the singer and had no visa to enter the country, but has achieved what is called a conditional landing, granted by the federal police in Brasilia, with a term of eight days, all within the law.
Teixeira also reported that the entire team of singer underwent the normal mannerand that they were all paperwork in order.
But it seems that the landing was uncomfortable to Bieber. According to anairport official who asked not to be identified, the singer did not like having to go through immigration. He frowned and covered his face after he passed the cabinof the federal police - standard procedure for anyone who arrives from abroad.According to the EGO found, Justin received boos by unsympathetic attitude to the fans who waited in place.
When leaving Mexico, where he played last weekend, Bieber wrote on Twitter thatwas coming to Brazil: "Mexico, thank you. I love you. Next stop Brazil! It will be along flight. I'll rest a little. I see you in Brazil. "
According to the chief operating officer of the federal police, Mark Teixeira, Selena arrived half an hour before the singer and had no visa to enter the country, but has achieved what is called a conditional landing, granted by the federal police in Brasilia, with a term of eight days, all within the law.
Teixeira also reported that the entire team of singer underwent the normal mannerand that they were all paperwork in order.
But it seems that the landing was uncomfortable to Bieber. According to anairport official who asked not to be identified, the singer did not like having to go through immigration. He frowned and covered his face after he passed the cabinof the federal police - standard procedure for anyone who arrives from abroad.According to the EGO found, Justin received boos by unsympathetic attitude to the fans who waited in place.
Adaptation: Famous Teen
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