Selena Gomez Conhece Shia LaBeouf !
Selena Gomez finalmente encontrou Shia LaBeouf!
A atriz de 18 anos, foi enganada por sua equipe para ir conhecer alguns fãs e olha que ela conheceu ao invés! "Vocês usaram meus fãs como isca", brincou Selena.
Após o encontro, Shia mostrou sua gentileza dizendo-lhe: "É muito bom conhecê-la. Você é sempre muito doce para mim. "
Confira Selena "Best.Day.Ever." clicando aqui.
Fonte: Just Jared Jr.
Tradução e adaptação: Famous Teen
Selena Gomez Shia LaBeouf has finally found!
The actress, 18, was deceived by his team to go meet some fans and looks she metinstead! "You have used as bait my fans," joked Selena.
After the meeting, Shia showed his kindness by telling him: "It's very nice to meet you.You are always very sweet to me."
Check out Selena "Best.Day.Ever." clicking here.
The actress, 18, was deceived by his team to go meet some fans and looks she metinstead! "You have used as bait my fans," joked Selena.
After the meeting, Shia showed his kindness by telling him: "It's very nice to meet you.You are always very sweet to me."
Check out Selena "Best.Day.Ever." clicking here.
By: Just Jared Jr.
Adaptation: Famous Teen
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