
Andreza Xavi
As 5 beldades da banda One Direction tiveram que recusar o convite de Michelle Obama por conta de sua agente SUPER-lotada.
A primeira Dama convidou eles para a festa anual de Páscoa na Casa Branca, White House´s annual Easter Egg Roll. Mas infelizmente não puderam aceitar por terem compromissos no mesmo dia.
The five beauties of the band One Direction had to decline the invitation to Obama because of his super-agent crowded.
The first lady invited them to the annual feast of Easter at the White House's annual White House Easter Egg Roll. But unfortunately because they could not accept appointments on the same day.


Andreza Xavi
Miley Cyrus e seu namorado Liam Hemsworth foram clicados pelo Just Jared Jr. indo ao Studio Cafe, na sexta-feira(03/01), em Studio City, Califórnia.
O casal estava perto um do outro enquanto fazia seu caminho para almoçar.
Miley Cyrus and her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth were clicked by Just Jared Jr. going to Studio Cafe, on Friday (feb. 03) in Studio City, California.
The couple were close to each other while making their way to lunch.


Andreza Xavi
Vanessa Hudgens foi clicada super chique pelo paparazzi do Just Jared Jr. enquanto ia na casa de sua mãe(03/02), em Los Angeles.
Na noite anterior, Vanessa passou pelo tapete vermelho da première de 'Viagem 2: A Ilha Misteriosa', com seu namorado Austin Butler!
Vanessa Hudgens was spotted by paparazzi of the super-chic Just Jared Jr. while he was in his mother's house (feb. 03) in Los Angeles.
The night before, Vanessa spent the red carpet at the premiere of 'Journey 2: The Mysterious Island' with her boyfriend Austin Butler!